Education Feasts

Learning the Language Update: Biting Off More Than I Can Chew

I’m still working hard to keep on my Italian studies. I really can’t say for sure how well I’m doing, but one thing I can say. I recently bit off more than I can chew.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been reading children’s books that offer stories in English and Italian. I think it was going well. I felt like I was making headway. I would’ve liked more time with those books, but they were due back at the library. I am definitely going to borrow them again in the future to continue to retain what I have learned.

My trouble was with my next book.

Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi
Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi

When I requested Pinocchio, I honestly had no idea how long it would be or the format. It was definitely what is referred to nowadays as a “chapter book” and it was completely in Italian. I tried. I mean I really tried. But it was WAY above what I could handle. So I had to admit defeat and return it to the library. That book is now a goal for the future.

I have started a new class online from Wellesley. It is almost completely in Italian and goes into not just conversation, but verb tenses and formal versus informal language use. My plan is to utilize a variety of tools to help learn, and more importantly retain, the language. I feel like my biggest issue right now, just as I experienced in college, is retention. It is incredibly frustrating, but I’m sticking with it.

I finished my first unit of my online Wellesley class last night and already started on the second unit. After the second unit, I will switch back to my Language Hacking to keep things interesting.

My ultimate goal is to have the ability to sit through Italian mass at St. Lucy’s Church during the Feast of St. Gerard in October and, not just understand it, but feel I can act as a full and confident participant. I feel by sharing my successes, (and failures) as well as my goals, I am holding myself accountable to myself as well as all of you!

In the words of my alma mater, Hazard Zet Forward.

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